Friday, October 14, 2016

The book I almost never read?

     Over the summer I read the book, Abraham Lincolns Grave Robbers. It was a very interesting book about a group of counterfeiters that tried to rob the tomb of a dead president. I don't wanna spoil it because it's so interesting so, I'll make it short. The people had the plan to dip a tunnnel and rob whatever they can find of value, but when they got there, it wasn't what they expected. After a failed job they regrouped and made another plan. But the fbi was getting suspicious of the group which led to an investigation of them. Now with the government after them, they had to work quickly. The plan wasn't the best because the fbi had arrested the ring leader because they caught him and after the leader was arrested, the group started to fall apart which led to a failed plan. In the end, the workers at the government found a tip of the burglary a day late and hurried to the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. To his joy, the tomb was still in tact and the president was still at rest. In all, it was a very interestring story. I really wouldn't prefer it to anyone because it is a really slow paced book with little action or conflict. But if you want to read it, it wasn't the worst.

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