Monday, October 17, 2016

The Time I Chased An Ice Cream Truck!!

            When I was a child, I was very advernterous and was curios about everything. So I've had lots of cool stories about my childhood. But I'll tell you one for now...
     When I was 7, I wanted to know where the ice cream man went after he left my block. Since I was young I didn't understand how things like that worked so I had to find out. I was determined to find out. So, I got ready for this "mission" and waited for him to go get to my house and I bought as chocolate fudge ice cream bar and waited for him to take off. It was a very slow truck so I was able to keep up with it. As it took down the street, I followed, walking along eating my ice cream. But when he turned the corner I sprinted and he had seemed to disappear behind the next row of houses. I still heard his music so the search wasn't over. I had raced to the second floor of my house and looked out my window to realize that he goes from block to block serving all the kids in the neighborhood.

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