Studies have shown that volunteers and people giving to others makes people generally more happy. Studies have shown that people who spend their money on other people will increase happiness in their lives. Volunteering also makes people happy because it makes them get more involved and makes them feel like they belong. The people who tend to make the most of it and explore new things and volunteer for more things are more happy with their life. Imagine a life without learning new things and trying to find new interests. That'll be a terrible life to live where they won't allow themselves to volunteer and have fun in fear of humiliation. Studies even say humiliation can sometimes benefit the receiver by pushing them to accomplish something or even might just make them have a laugh.
Spending money on or with others can make people more happy and satisfied with themselves and their surroundings. Just think, if someone gives someone else an extra dollar or buy them a gift. It doesn't have to be much but the generosity of that will give that person a smile and make their day which will also make them smile and they'd feel like a good person for making someone's day. Who doesn't want to feel appreciated and feel like a Good Samaritan ? Giving to others makes people more happy and gives them self pride while that act of kindness can positively impact those around you making your economy an overall happy place. Lots of studies that were taken prove that acts of kindness creates a link effect of positivity involving those around you. For example, If someone does something nice for another person like pays for their coffee, they'd probably want to do something for someone else as well. Some people disagree and say that buying for others and giving away what's theirs makes them have less and feel worse. They say this because people with less are perceived as less happy. Although this can be the case, It's false and possibly the opposite. This is because giving others will not only make you feel better about yourself, it'll also make them happy, and would you really have less? You'd actually have more as money isn't always the main priority. Happiness and pride is something money can never buy for yourself, so yes. You'd have more in the end.
Volunteering can also be a major happiness source in a persons life. Let's explain, If someone volunteers for something, not only would they be trying something new, they'd also be working on fitting in. While trying something new feels overwhelming, which it can be for some. It's a good thing for you and will positively impact your happiness in the long run. Over time you trying new things will develop a comfortableness in pushing your boundaries to do more things. All of that aside, trying new things can make you get used to them and make you feel at home and like you fit in which can boost morale and create a mental feeling that you belong in that place or doing that activity. Who doesn't want to feel like they're important or that they belong somewhere? No one because tests prove that feeling like you belong makes you more confident and you tend to show more signs of happiness. But, like all things, people disagree. Some people say trying new things makes you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed which can make you get a fearful feeling. This may be the case, but it depends on how you think of it. A more positive person would go in willing to try something new and know that they might fail but still be excited to do new things. It kinda cancels out the fear and makes it into an "I got this" feeling called confidence.
Getting involved in activities and hobbies is a great way to boost happiness. Imagine your bored and have nothing to do and no one to talk to. You'd pretty much be bored and lonely which causes people to be more stressed and pessimistic. But, if you'd get involved in activities like sports or a hobby like painting, you'd be able to meet new people who share interests and make strong friendships with people who have common dreams and interests as you do which is good to have in life because a good friend can make you a very happy person and having fun and doing what you are passionate about will relieve stress levels over time.
Getting into activities is a very positive thing to do if you're looking for a way to get away sometimes and do things you like to do with people who like the same things. But beware, having too many hobbies can also be a very bad thing for you. You can easily become overwhelmed with things you need to do and places you need to do. Being in too much can also me poisoning to your happiness since you have too much to do instead of something to do. Hobbies and activities is a double edged sword so you have to find that perfect amount to the point where it's not too much or nothing. After you find an activity, you will generally be a happy person since you're doing what you're passionate about. Some people disagree and say doing nothing makes people happy and relaxed. That may be true for some circumstances but in general, people who are more social and active tend to be less likely to suffer depression and more likely to live long, happy, healthy lives